There are acts of violence against children happening everywhere. While even as an adult you need to know how to fight and defend yourself, there’s an argument to be made that you need to be more aware of your surroundings and strangers as a child. Because when you’re a kid, you can be naive and think everything and everyone around you is good. It comes as a surprise when kids are put in compromising situations, either by strangers or bigger kids who try to take advantage of them, that they realize that not all is as it seems. In these situations, a good awareness of the surroundings and martial art skills will help kids find a way out of harm.
Why kids need martial arts training in today’s world is a question we get asked all the time. Martial arts is intended for self-defense primarily and allows kids to protect themselves and their loved ones from trouble. As parents and schools are getting more aware of the problems that kids continually face, there is a growing awareness to teach kids martial arts so that they can defend themselves.
Martial arts is becoming indispensable and an essential skill to learn for any kid. It not only protects the kid but also instills confidence, discipline, and other traits that are essential for development into a responsible adult.
9 Reasons Why Kids Need Martial Arts Training in Today’s World
Kids today are faced with a lot of dilemmas and are constantly exposed to new information all the time. Technological advancements haven’t made it easy for kids as they now have to deal with attention on social media and constant pressure from conforming to trends and standards. A kid who is out of touch with the current reality of the world can be caught off-guard and defenseless against attacks. While physical threats are real, kids also have to deal with a lot of psychological stress in today’s world.
As parents, you have to remember that the world your kids are living in is entirely different from the world you’ve lived in in the past. Everything is blown out of proportion and more grandiose these days. Kids have to constantly learn to adapt to their surroundings to maintain relationships and build stronger bonds. All of this requires discipline, focus, self-confidence, and a superior work ethic. There’s nothing better than teaching your kids the traits they will cherish for life than teaching them martial arts.
1. Remain Fit and Active
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Obesity prevalence was 13.4% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 20.3% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 21.2% among 12- to 19-year-olds.”
These statistics were during the year 2017-2018. Obesity is becoming an epidemic in the United States as more and more people slip into obesity due to bad lifestyle choices and eating habits. With the global pandemic and mutations of viruses, it’s important that we as parents make it our responsibility to keep our kids fit and active. Kids spending a lot of time inside homes glued to the television, tablets, and smartphones need to be taught the importance of physical activity.
Only a fit mind resides in a fit body. It is necessary for kids to engage in physical activities that make them move their bodies, be flexible, and sweat. One of the main reasons why kids need martial arts training in today’s world is to gain self-confidence and remain in good physical shape. A kid who trains in martial arts will have regular classes where he learns new striking/grappling skills and indulges in physical activities that are good for the body and the mind.
2. Learn Self-Defense
Kids need to be able to defend themselves when they are put in compromising situations. Self-defense skills will allow them to remain calm during the storm and think clearly to outmaneuver the opponent. When a kid has good Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills, he can dominate a bigger opponent by taking the fight to the ground. Good boxing skills can allow a kid to outstrike the aggressor and buy some time to find a way out of the bad situation. Self-defense skills exist for one reason — to defend the kid. Although the primary goal should be to find a way out of trouble, if it, unfortunately, comes down to a fight, a kid should be able to stand the ground and defend himself.
Martial arts training allows kids to recognize harmful situations and find a way out of them before engaging in combat. By teaching kids the importance of being aware of their surroundings, martial arts help kids stay safe and avoid trouble.
3. Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence
A kid who knows how to fight has an aura of confidence about him. He knows that if he is dragged into something unpleasant, he can handle the situation and come out on top. This is why kids need martial arts training in today’s world because it gives them a powerful feeling. The progress in the gym along with knowing the skills gives kids who train in martial arts a mental advantage over other kids. It boosts their self-esteem and confidence. They naturally enjoy taking more risks and figuring out things in life. The fact that they have a skill that they believe will keep them safe gives them the confidence to try new things and expand their repertoire of skills.
The feeling of being competent to defend themselves during trouble makes them more protective of the weak. Your kid will stand by the ones that are bullied and ensure they are safe. The confidence projected by your kid will motivate other kids to train in martial arts and defend themselves.
4. Beat Stress
Your kids are living in the information age where there’s so much happening around them that they find it hard to focus on tasks. Stress is not only for adults. Kids these days are under extreme stress due to expectations, peer pressure, and other factors. The world you were living in is completely different from the world your kid lives in. If you are a kid now, you’ll understand why kids these days act the way they act. There is so much information to process and so many things that take away attention every single day. Believe us, a kid’s life is difficult. The internet, social media, and a more connected world have thrown kids in a disarray. They need something that allows them to be focused on their mission.
Physical activity that demands 100% focus gives kids the clarity they need to prioritize tasks in life. Your kids will be a lot more relaxed, understand what they should focus on, and feel more comfortable being around as a person when they train in kids martial arts. By regularly being in a place where other kids push your kid to be better, your kid will grow stronger mentally and physically.
5. Learn to be Goal-Oriented
Kids will become more goal-oriented when they train in martial arts. In martial arts, the end goal is to immobilize an opponent and make him quit. Your kid will see every task in life as another opponent to conquer. There will be a path to accomplishing a task and your kid will try to figure it out to accomplish the mission.
Kids martial arts give kids the discipline to stick to their mission and achieve what they set out to achieve. Your kid will love setting goals and accomplishing them. Like graduation to a new belt in martial arts, your kid will love that he can learn from new challenges and in his mind will elevate himself to higher ranks after every achievement. Another reason why kids need martial training in today’s world is to continue to remain hungry for success and be excited for what can be accomplished if bigger and bigger goals are set in life.
6. Improve Social Skills
Martial arts allow kids to understand others. They spend time around kids while training that makes them pick up on body signs, words, and tonalities that precede and follow certain actions. Your kid will be able to talk with words and body language with other kids that make them good communicators. The social circle of a kid has a big impact on the development of the kid. By aligning with a good social circle that has kids with diverse skill sets, your kid will be able to get together with all kinds of kids.
The improved social skills will make your kid not resort to violence, but settle issues amicably with words. Your kid will realize that he can avoid trouble and distress to everyone by staying away from fights and rather strike peace with opposing factions. By learning how to handle problems without the need for physical confrontation, your kid will grow in confidence and understand that anything is possible with the right words and emotions at the right time.
7. Learn Discipline
Martial arts teaches kids self-discipline. Your kid will understand that if he continues to do what he did that gave him success, he will continue to get success. He will be disciplined in his routine, training schedule, and diet. Your kid will understand that if he goes overboard, he may make bad choices and hence learn to play by controlling himself in his environment. Knowing that he has a skill with him that can be wielded for good, your kid will learn to control himself and self-discipline his actions to give him the best advantage in any area of life. Learning discipline and gaining an unfair advantage over the competition is why kids need martial arts training in today’s world.
8. Strengthen Mindset
When a kid has a strong mindset, he will be able to face challenges without losing heart and patience. Kids martial arts train the mind and the body. Your kid will be 100% focused during training because a momentary lapse of concentration can result in a compromised position and victory to the opponent. Your kid will also realize that there is a mental battle in martial arts. An opponent can be defeated mentally before the fight begins and the actual fight becomes just a formality because the opponent has already surrendered mentally. By developing a strong mindset, your kid will be able to remain tough and unfazed by mind games and instead have a mental advantage over others that makes him a bad choice to pick a fight with.
A strong mindset becomes an asset for your kid because he will be able to endure more stress that is required to be great in life. Martial arts toughens the mind of your kid and allows him to become truly elite in whatever he wishes to do in life.
9. Encourage Teamwork
Your kid will realize that even though he can stand on his own, he will need the support of others and a team to get through most challenges in life. Having a reliable team will make everything easier and your kid will appreciate teamwork. All the bravado of a single kid cannot match the team effort of a group of kids. Your kid will understand that it is much easier to go together than to go alone. He will form friendships and bonds that are mutually beneficial and help everyone. He will learn from everyone while contributing to everyone in some way that makes him useful. Martial arts will give your kid an appreciation for teamwork and the strength of a team.
Martial arts has more benefits than just giving your kid the gift of self-defense. Your kid will be more well-rounded and will improve in every area of life. He will have a newfound appreciation for everyone and everything around him with the new lens with which he views the world. He will know that if he stays disciplined, puts in the work, makes powerful connections, and has a dependable team of like-minded individuals, anything is possible.
Martial arts for kids is necessary more than ever in today’s world. The new world we are living in has new challenges that require a strong mind and body. By giving your kid martial arts training, you make him ready to face the many challenges that come his way in everyday life that he has to deal with to get ahead and win.
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